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New Orleans. Eno najstarejših in po mnenju mnogih tudi najbolj edinstveno mesto v ZDA, zahvaljujoč majhnemu delu, ki se zdi kot v pravljici. Francoska četrt. Znana po svoji večkulturni in večjezični dediščini, kuhinji, arhitekturi, glasbi in karnevalih, katera slovijo po vsem svetu. Pred časom, pa je rojstna četrt jazza dobila skrivnost, skrito v temačne ulice. Po nenavadni nevihti ki je doletela mesto, ni bilo nič več enako. Kaj so povzročile strele v ljudeh? Kaj še bodo? So supermoči prekletstvo ali nove priložnosti?




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theodore burton
 posts : 93
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alias : barry


theodore burton

powers,    Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: powers,    powers,    EmptyPon Jun 30, 2014 6:54 am

001 rank no.3:
-power mimicry or absorption-ability to copy or absorb another's powers or skills.
-power negation-ability to cancel the superpowers of others.
-animal minicry-ability to take on the abilities of certain animals
-body part substiution-ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another
-duplication-ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.
-healing factor-ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury
-immortality-unable to die from any cause
-invisibily-ability to be unseen to the naked eye or any kind of device
-futurama/pastorama rank 3-ability to bring one into past or future with you
-emphaty-ability to control empotions and feeling of other people
-mediumship-ability to see and commnicate with the dead
-mind control-ability to control someone actions with your minds
-animal mimcry-ability to turn into any animal

002 rank no.2:
-duplication-ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.
-echolocation-ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound.
-super human senses-ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human.
-fortsight-ability to see into future
-pastorama-ability to see into past
-mind readin-ability to read ones minds
-x-ray vision-ability to see through solid
-antiburnation-ability to be imnute to fire, can not be burnt
-timeinia-ability to stop the time and still be able to move yourself
-technopathy-ability to control any kinds of electronics or tehnology
-animal comnuation-ability to comunicate with animals and make them do thing on command

003 rank no.1:
-animated hair-ability to animate and lengthen one's hair.
-superhuman agility-ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.
-sexual attraction-to attract any gender with a touch(it gets super duper horny)
-night vision-ability to se perfectly in dark
-freeze vision-ability to freeze an object with a gaze (not a being)
-heat vision-ability to burn object with a gaze (not a being)
-waterbreathing-ability to breath under water or any kinds of fluids
-Innate capability-ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience.
-omni-linguism-ability to understand any language
-darkness&shadows manipulation-ability to manipulate with darknes and shadows (can not make a being out of it)
-magentism-ability to control magnetic objects under the weight of 1kg
-sound manipulation-ability to repeat every sound ever heard
-plant manipulation-ability to create and manipulate a plant (such as flower or smaller bush)
-weather manipulation-ability to control wheater (such as making it rain or shine or blowing wind)
-teleportation-ability to move from one place to another withour occupaing the space between in range of 10 meters
-liquifiction-ability to turn partilly or completly into liquid
-sublimation-ability to turn into a fog-like form
-blade manipulation-the power to have control over a knife, axe or any other blade. when you throw it, it will hit it's target, if only it isn't more that thirty meters far away from you and you can clearley see it.
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